By Wayne Allyn Root
I’m a conservative national TV and radio talk show host. But what’s unique is where I host my shows- from Las Vegas. This has been my adopted home for over 22 years.
There is an important lesson to be learned from Las Vegas…and from the terrible attack on UNLV (University of Nevada Las Vegas) yesterday. 3 people were murdered by an active shooter on our university campus- a campus my loved ones attend. A dear family member was on campus yesterday when the mass murder spree began. I thank God he is alive and safe.
To understand the most important lesson of this terrible attack- you have to understand how different Vegas is from any other big city in America.
Las Vegas has been America’s fastest-growing city for decades. I remember when Vegas had 300,000 residents. Vegas is now a big city with three million residents in its metro area, over 40 million tourists, NFL football, the NHL Champion Golden Knights, WNBA champion Aces, major league baseball on the way and NBA coming soon. We are hosting the Super Bowl in 60 days.
This former small town is the very symbol of America, American exceptionalism, and capitalism.
But we are very different than…
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