Novice investors often overlook the pivotal importance of having top-of-line value stocks in their portfolios when the market is thriving. However, when times get tough, they are the first ones to look for solid companies with strong, globally recognizable brands and exceptional financial metrics.
Sadly, oftentimes, that’s already too late to find such gems at a reasonable price.
In fact, the importance of the value concept in the world of finance is so pivotal that, as Warren Buffett himself would argue, every good investment should be considered a “value” investment:
“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”
To guarantee you will never miss the value boat again, our ‘Top Value Stocks‘ strategy employs advanced AI models to identify up to 20 U.S.-listed stocks each month that are undervalued yet possess solid earnings and are primed for growth.
These companies are typically trading at prices lower than their perceived intrinsic value, presenting them as potentially significant bargains for investors.
Historical data shows that our strategy would have beaten the by 567% over the last decade while keeping a relatively low risk exposure, as seen in the chart below: Read the full article here