Yet the problem is even deeper than expressions of antisemitism. What the mobs are against, at the core, is Western civilization, with its distinctive characteristics of individual liberty, limited government, and capitalism. They are intent on tearing our system down and have made common cause with Islamicists who desire a world with only one religion, which they would enforce through Sharia law. This is what many now call the Red-Green alliance. …
The war on historical truth perpetrated by the “settler-colonial” narrative is fundamental to anti-Western and antisemitic racialized activism, which, by its ideology, much be spread to every aspect of campus life.
[I have been making that argument for a while too, but I think it started earlier than Professor Jacobson thinks. The attacks on classical education began in the 1950s and especially the 1960s, which then cut education off from its Western Civilization roots — and deliberately, too. That’s when radical indoctrination began to replace education. I wrote about this a couple of years ago tangentially in an essay on the film “The Emperor’s Club” and its short-story origin, “The Palace Thief.” At the time,…
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