Note from Jesus
I love the way My beloved disciple you know as John describes My coming to earth: “The Voice took on flesh and became human and chose to live alongside us” (John 1:14). Quite literally, his words could be translated as saying that I “pitched My tent” among you.
As God, I didn’t just come close; I moved into your neighborhood as one of you. So during the rush of your Christmas season, I hope you will join Me — “the one true Son of the Father” — at the manger, experience the wonder of the shepherds, and share My story with all who will listen.
Verses to Live
As soon as the heavenly messengers disappeared into heaven, the shepherds were buzzing with conversation.
Let’s rush down to Bethlehem right now! Let’s see what’s happening! Let’s experience what the Lord has told us about!
So they ran into town, and eventually they found Mary and Joseph…
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