Back in 2019, an episode of “Family Guy” joked about the way our culture has been conditioned to “tolerate” anything transgender-identifying people do. In the episode, the character Quagmire’s father has transitioned and is looking at explicit images on his phone at a bar. When the bartender tells him, “Excuse me, ma’am, no porn at the bar,” he dismisses the rule, saying, “Oh, it’s okay, I’m transgender.” The bartender quickly backtracks, apologizing, “Oh, I — I had no idea. Do whatever you want all the time.”
Family Guy did this joke like 4 years ago when, yes, the backlash for being anti-trans was actually higher than it is now. There’s no elaborate Facebook boomer meme argument. Just simply “hey trannys are extreme perverts why are we allowing this as a society ok next bit”
— John Doyle (@ComradeDoyIe) June 25, 2024
The exchange humorously exposes the absurdity of the woke double standard that demands special treatment for the LGBT community — especially the T. But the truth is that as funny as the scene was, it reflects a scary reality that wokeness is endangering women and young girls.
In an…
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