Have you heard of people who call themselves “DINKS”?
Not a great name, if you ask me.
But the name is far from the worst part.
Wait till you get to know them, they seem….awful.
That’s just my opinion, maybe you think it’s something to aspire to, I’m not sure.
DINK stands for “Dual Income, No Kids”.
Charming, right?
Now I realize there are people who want kids and can’t have them, and that’s a tragic situation.
That’s not what we’re talking about here.
These are people who, to satisfy all their own selfish and carnal desires, have elected to not have kids and just live like kids their whole life.
This video I’m about to show you is a bit nauseating if you ask me, but see what you think:
Notice that everything they say is about consuming: buying stuff, eating or entertainment.
It’s a sad existence if that is what your life revolves around. https://t.co/riYR3bwR61
— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) December 5, 2023
Notice that everything they say is about consuming: buying stuff, eating or entertainment.
It’s a sad existence if that is what your life revolves around. https://t.co/riYR3bwR61
— Lila Rose…
Read the full article here