“Can’t stop the signal,” the phrase popularized in the 2005 sci-fi flick “Serenity” has today been supplanted by “Can’t hide the data,” courtesy of Data Republican (small-r)’s ever-improving Federal government grant award search. For example, how does a private figure like William Kristol get taxpayer money to fund his political activities?
Answer: it’s complicated. But I can show you the way.
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors received nearly $38 million in grants last year, nearly evenly divided between USAID and the State Department. Because the Rockefellers don’t have enough of their own money, I suppose.
RPA gave significant sums (the Data Republican chart did not make clear how much, but I’m still digging and will update this column if I can find the number) to The Hopewell Fund. What does it do? According to its site, Hopewell has been around only since 2015 and “is a 501(c)(3) public charity that specializes in helping donors, social entrepreneurs, and other changemakers quickly launch new, innovative social change projects.”
That’s a whole lot of words saying not much. However, I did see that the organization’s Economic Security Project…
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