Saturday Night Live is not what it used to be. Rather than being an equal opportunity offender and skewering politicians of all stripes, they have moved farther and farther left and rarely mock the easy targets on the left.
This week, however, SNL mocked the radical clowns on MSNBC, with particularly scathingly attacks on Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes.
‘Joy Reid’ lectured Maddow about making sure coverage is “fair” this time around, “One thing I do know is this time around, we’re not going to get sucked into every new, shiny crazy statement from Trump. We need to focus on what he does, not what he says.”
‘Rachel Maddow’ then shared a breaking story, saying dramatically, “I’m sorry, I have to interrupt you. We have some breaking news.”
“Trump has just apparently told reporters he would like to ‘trade Connecticut for Italy.’ I mean, that’s just crazy.”
Reid cuts in, “Rachel, Rachel, see this is what I mean. We can’t have a repeat of 2016.”
Later in the show, Maddow adds another bit of breaking news, “Sorry, Ari, we are getting breaking news that Trump just told a group of wildfire…
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