Scott Jennings and Paul Begala debated President Joe Biden’s legacy on CNN Saturday night. Well, calling it a ‘debate’ is being generous. Biden’s been absolutely terrible and by the end Jennings had everyone laughing.
Have a listen. (WATCH)
Debating the Biden legacy with Paul Begala on @cnn tonight. Biden’s failures have left his own party in chaos and Trump in the strongest position of his political life.
— Scott Jennings (@ScottJenningsKY) January 19, 2025
Biden’s legacy is he gave us Trump – TWICE! What little he did positive for America and the Democrat Party has been obliterated by his last months in office as Jennings explained.
Posters feel anyone defending Biden at this point is doing it out of obligation to the Dem Party. There’s nothing positive to say that wasn’t refuted by the election results.
He was horrendous and they know it. It’s all performative nonsense now for the camera.
— TC (@caltract) January 19, 2025
His record speaks itself. He is probably the least popular president since Carter
— John R. DePerno (@DePernoJ) January 19, 2025
Short debate…”Worst president ever?”…
Read the full article here