An upcoming review of the laws around dog ownership could have extensive consequences for owners, who may even need a licence for the family pet.
New South Wales (NSW) owners could also face increased penalties if their dog attacks and harms someone, and if they ignore notices about how the dog should be kept.
People who own a dog for security could also be impacted by the proposed removal of legislation exempting owners from liability if their dog attacks a trespasser.
NSW coroners have been conducting a series of inquests into fatal dog attacks.
Delivering her findings on Jan. 17 after an inquest into the July 2021 death of a five-week old baby at a Central Coast home, deputy state coroner Carmel Forbes said there had been a concerning number of fatal dog attacks in the state since 2009.
Like several others, the attack involved an American Staffordshire terrier, which is not currently a restricted breed, although the local council had resolved to request they be listed as such months earlier.
The breed had the highest incidence of attacks in local government data from 2018-2021, the inquest heard.
The dog was bought from a breeder advertising on online marketplaces,…
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