During an interview with Bloomberg TV on Friday, White House Council of Economic Advisers member Heather Boushey stated that while higher prices are “a challenge” “and it’s taken a while for things to get to a more steady state” after the pandemic, “And I think that has been hard on folks,” but there’s “a lot of economic news that indicates that people are optimistic.”
Boushey said, [relevant remarks begin around 1:11:30] “When inflation happens, all the prices go up. And then, you’re right, even as the pace of price gains slow[s] over time, it doesn’t mean that prices have come back down. Now, we have seen some cases of prices coming down, and that’s important. We talked a lot over last week, over the week of Thanksgiving, that the price of affording that Thanksgiving dinner was lower than last year. That’s certainly good news for families, giving them that little bit of breathing room. We, of course, have seen energy prices coming down, gas prices have fallen $1.77 from their peak at the height of the energy crisis that was caused by the unprovoked war that Putin has been waging in…Ukraine. So, that’s also good news for consumers, where…
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