Time is of the essence, and relief for victims of the Los Angeles fires is priority Number One for the rulers of the Golden State…except when it isn’t.
Oooooo, these rabid California progs are so tricksy!
They are also students of Democratic political philosophy, doggedly following wise and proven maxims from ancient Chinese…
“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.“
~ Sun Tzu
…to contemporary Chi-Townese.
“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”
There is no one more adept at the art of making mountains out of molehills than progressives, and it looks as if California state officials are going to take a shot at it again, using Trump as an excuse.
CA Republicans had called for a special session in Sacramento to deal with getting fire aid flowing to those dispossessed and impacted fire victims and communities as quickly as possible.
I mean, that makes sense. Who could object?
Oleaginous governor Gavin Newsom didn’t – he just tweaked the idea to suit his purposes.
How ’bout we do this, Newsom said. I already had a special…
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