A meeting of Peel District School Board (PDSB) trustees was interrupted by a group of noisy pro-Palestinian protesters on Nov. 28, causing officials to move to a private room to finish business.
Chairperson David Green asked them not to disturb the meeting.
“If you have something to say, I will stay back and we will have a conversation, but let’s respect each other. Let’s respect the board meeting,” he said.
As the meeting continued, members of the group could be heard shouting and clapping. They started chanting “Let them speak.”
Mr. Green clarified to the trustees that a delegation request had been made.
“They were told they have to delegate the appropriate committees. Letters here who asked them the delegate our program and curriculum committees and then the report would come to the board,” he explained.
“We have not heard back anything from them since then.”
The group continued to shout at the trustees while Mr. Green continued on with agenda business.
“We have motions that we have to address,” he…
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