The Gilded Age Season 2 is centered on the Opera Wars, the historic pissing contest between rich ladies in the 1880s that inadvertently gave rise to New York City’s cultural mecca, the Metropolitan Opera House. To honor the show’s ties to that iconic institution, HBO and the Met co-hosted a special event on November 30 celebrating both The Gilded Age and the opening night of Wagner’s Tannhäuser. Opera fans were treated to an exclusive Q&A panel with Gilded Age stars Carrie Coon, Christine Baranski, Cynthia Nixon, Morgan Spector, Louisa Jacobson, and Denée Benton before the opera started — and Decider was there.
Throughout the panel, hosted by C. Graham Berwind III, Vice President of the Metropolitan Opera, attendees were treated to many nerdy Gilded Age tidbits — Carrie Coon confessed to getting Cheeto dust on her bodice during night shoots, while Louisa Jacobson revealed she got the costume department to loosen her corset a good three inches between Seasons 1 and 2 so she could breathe — but the juiciest moment hit closer to home for both Morgan Spector and the Met.
About halfway into the panel, Berwind pointed out that Spector’s…
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