The United Nations (UN) and insidious billionaire Bill Gates are aiming to make digital IDs and digital currency global, which would inevitably create a China-like social credit score.
Bill Gates and the UN have teamed up to try and bring digital IDs and digital currency to 50 countries within five years. While the United States is not among the 11 “First-Mover” countries already implementing these Orwellian control tools, the Biden administration did sign on to a G20 plan to implement digital IDs and digital currencies. In authoritarian China, which both the UN and Gates admire, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses digital IDs and digital currency to run a dystopian regime where every purchase and movement you make is dependent upon your social credit score. It’s a tyrannical nightmare, but it’s what globalists want for you and everyone else around the world.
From the early November UN release:
Global leaders and high-level representatives from 11 ‘First-Mover’ countries gathered yesterday for the official launch of the 50-in-5 campaign. This ambitious, country-led campaign heralds a new chapter in the global momentum around digital public infrastructure…
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