The left is great at gaslighting via the English language. For decades, the term “segregation” had negative connotations attached to it — for good reason. Mostly, it was used when discussing race relations concerning whites and blacks. In schools, segregation came to an official end in 1954 with the landmark Brown v. Board of Education U.S. Supreme Court case, though implementing the ruling nationwide would take many years. The argument at that time was that white students had a much better learning environment. White schools received more funding and therefore could hire better teachers, were generally located in “better” areas, and had newer equipment and facilities, all of which contributed to an atmosphere more conducive to learning.
Today, almost fifty years after the ruling that ended segregation, the left is trying to selectively reimplement it. Now, they are trying to sell it as a positive thing, and as usual, they are using paradoxical terms to ease their deception into reality.
This year, Evanston Township High School (ETHS), located outside of Chicago, has expanded what they are calling “affinity classes.” These classes are…
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