Pretty much everyone and every auto manufacturer across the globe (with the exception of Tesla and nobody believes anything China says) has been singing songs of lamentation and mourning for their electric vehicle sales. I’ve posted bunches about them in relation to Green transitions, safety, infrastructure, etc., and the fact that it just plain looks like your average Joe doesn’t want anything to do with them as his primary vihicle.
Regardless of what Wall Street, industry experts, and manufacturers tell them, the Biden administration keeps plunging along, deaf and mostly dumb, into a world where everyone drives an EV with no choice in the matter. Much as the case with their insistence that the problem with the economy is our perception of it not their economic ineptitude, federal EV mandates remain rock solid even as states around the country (and globally – witness the UK) start to think, “Maybe not so fast,” pushing back or ditching the same mandates entirely.
Connecticut Governor dumps 2035 EV mandate.
“Common sense has prevailed.”
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) November 28, 2023
The one group the unicorn…
Read the full article here