Before we go all Beastmode, welcome to the weekly West Coast, Messed Coast™ report, where we bring you some of the highlights of what’s going on in politics and culture in Oregon, Washington, and California.
This map doesn’t get old. Look at all that red.
Speaking of which, there’s an old saying in politics attributed to mass-murdering commie Joseph Stalin: It’s not who votes that counts, it’s who counts the votes.
There should be a corollary:
The ‘cure’ is worse than…
California Governor Gavin Newsom likes to point to the fact that his state is the fifth largest economy in the world. There should be an asterisk on that claim, however. He should have said that his Third World utopia economy is doing well despite Governor Hair Gel.
Indeed, in his state of 22 million voters, 40 million people, and an untold number of illegal aliens with congressional representation, it takes weeks to count the votes because of the so-called “curing” process. The curing process allows political parties to take uncounted votes, go back to the voters who cast them, and “cure” them. That means if the date wasn’t on them, the cast of flying monkeys from the Democrats…
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