President-elect Donald Trump’s landslide victory is reportedly causing infighting and division among House Democrats.
Democrats appear confused about why Trump won reelection in a landslide and moved 48 states to the right in the process.
WATCH — KJP Storms Out of Briefing after WH Called Out for Saying “Democracy Would Crumble” if Trump Elected:
The far left argues the party did not move far enough left, while establishment Democrats argue the push for far-left policies failed to attract voters.
One far-left House Democrat told Axios that “some real responsibility to be taken” by leadership in the establishment. “Just acting like we’re in a pep rally, saying, ‘You all did a good job. … I think it’s bullsh*t. Let’s acknowledge that we failed.”
“Democrats are terrible at accountability,” one establishment House Democrat told Axios. “If we’re in the, like, think tank world, and all that matters is having nice ideas, then sure, maybe we can call that success.”
“I think the identity politics stuff is absolutely killing us,” another establishment House Democrat said. “Whatever you want to try to say about Kamala Harris and her…
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