During an interview with ABC News on Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said that the only way to keep the government funded is through a bipartisan bill and responded to questions on whether he would support a bill that included a requirement of proof of citizenship to vote, which is bipartisan, by stating that the Republican plan has a bunch of different other poison pills.
Host Kayna Whitworth asked, “Let’s talk about Speaker Johnson, expected to propose a stopgap funding measure in the House to fund the government until spring, but attaching to it new rules requiring proof of citizenship when voting. And we know a handful of House Democrats say they will support this. If this voter ID legislation is attached to the government funding bill, would you put it up for a vote or are we looking at a government shutdown here?”
Schumer responded, “Look, Speaker Johnson should learn from the past, you can only keep the government fund[ed] in a bipartisan way. You can’t have a group of Republicans, particularly led by right-wing, hard-nosed Republicans who don’t even represent the whole Republican Party, put together a proposal with all kinds…
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