The football coach at a Georgia high school has been fired less than a month after he allowed 20 players to be baptized following a practice, although it’s not clear if the two events are related.
Tattnall County School District announced last week that Isaac Ferrell would no longer be the head football coach at Tattnall County High School, adding he remains employed as a teacher. On Oct. 24, a video was posted on the team’s official Facebook page showing players being baptized in an outdoor trough.
The Facebook post read, “Yesterday after practice Coach Ferrell gave the guys the opportunity to be baptized by Pastor [Gary]Few. 20 young men made the decision to go #ALLIN with Christ!! Show them some support #BiggerThanFootball.” The baptisms sparked a complaint from the Freedom from Religion Foundation.
The school district, though, claims Ferrell was fired for a Nov. 3 incident.
“The safety and security of our students is paramount to Tattnall County Board of Education,” the district said. “Based on the outcome of an investigation into an incident that occurred Friday night, November 3rd, while traveling after the football game, the District decided that it would…
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