There are major concerns that census data may have drastically overestimated the number of trans people in England and Wales.
The campaign group Sex Matters is urging the statistics regulator to investigate what it calls “not fit for purpose” skewed data on the transgender population.
In the letter, Sex Matters told OSR boss Ed Humpherson, that it believed that this was driven by the “adoption of concepts and questions promoted by lobby groups that seek to replace sex with gender identity.”
The OSR provides “independent regulation of all official statistics produced in the UK.”
Gender Identity Census
In 2021, the ONS, for the first time, included a question on gender identity in its census questionnaire for England and Wales.
People aged 16 or over were asked whether or not the gender they identified with was the same as their sex registered at birth. If a respondent answered “no,” he or she was then invited to write down their gender identity in the boxes below.
According to the ONS, of the 45.7 million people in the age group,…
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