Remember when it was nothing more than right-wing fearmongering that Democrats were going to outlaw your gas appliances? It was a more innocent time, way back in [checks notes] January of this year.
I sure do miss those days. So does my gas furnace.
Democrats went very quickly from “Nobody is going to take away your gas appliances” to “Biden invokes wartime powers to fund electric heaters as he cracks down on gas appliances.”
“Wartime powers?” “Electric heaters?” One of these things is not like the other unless there are millions of dollars to throw around to your cronies while putting their competitors out of business. And sure enough, Biden will dole out $169 million of your tax dollars to boost the production of electric heat pumps.
What gives Biden the authority to throw money around like a drunken Congress to further an environmental agenda that the House rejected back in June? A 1950 law called the Defense Production Act (DPA) was meant to protect and promote the production of war materials. Biden is using it to make heat pumps.
That’s the Victoria’s Secret lace camisole of flimsy excuses — and the White House knows it. The administration…
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