Americans used to think of the U.S. Military Academy (USMA) at West Point as a great American institution. Unfortunately, West Point’s leaders now seem to love a little unconstitutional authoritarianism. A year after forcing cadets to get the COVID-19 vaccine, West Point is promoting a call for unconstitutional government efforts to quash free speech.
West Point’s Modern War Institute (MWI) published a piece on Nov. 15 by Maj. Nicholas Dockery, a USMA alumnus, Purple Heart recipient, and military policy advisor, titled, “THE URGENT CALL FOR A BIPARTISAN DISINFORMATION COMMISSION.” And why would we supposedly need such a blatantly anti-constitutional body? Because, allegedly, “disinformation has significantly escalated protests and violence across the ideological spectrum, as evident in events like the Pizzagate conspiracy, the January 6 Capitol protest, and some Black Lives Matter and Portland protests.” His one link argues that poor, innocent BLM protesters faced violence from “right-wing groups,” by the way, and all his sources are government or leftist media; he’s nothing but a partisan political hack, trying to cover up Democrat crimes while attacking…
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