It’s been known for a while now that the Democrats’ prospects for holding onto the Senate in 2024 aren’t very good. The biggest problem they have is that they will being defending 23 seats, while the GOP only has to defend 10 seats. And many of the seats Democrats will be fighting to hold are in red and battleground states. So it’s no secret that the 2024 Senate map is very positive for the GOP. Indeed, Republicans are favored to win back the majority. In fact, certai forecasts suggest that if the GOP wins the majority in 2024, it may be a few cycles before Democrats can realistically regain it. This means that the bigger the majority that Republicans can secure in 2024, the safer the upper chamber will be against a potential shift back to Democratic control.
So, which seats are most likely to flip from blue to red? Let’s take a look.
West Virginia
The writing has been on the wall for some time in West Virginia. Sen. Joe Manchin was likely the Democrats’ best chance at holding the seat, since he’d managed to win reelection in the deep red state multiple times. However, his margin of victory had steadily decreased in each Senate election since 2012. West Virginia Gov….
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