(Late Prepper)—Anyone who mentions “mRNA jabs” is instantly labeled a crazy conspiracy theorist anti-vaxxer. At least that’s what was happening until very recently. Slowly but surely, eyes are opening. Blinders are coming off. More and more people are realizing that “crazy” people like Alex Jones (and me, for that matter) were right all along.
Yes, the World Economic Forum is engaged in a depopulation and control agenda and yes, they are trying to control and depopulate us through the food supply. What was once considered to be unhinged speculation has become widely reported fact, as Jones notes in this video. Even corporate media outlets like USA Today are reporting about attacks on the food supply with beef being one of the primary targets.
It’s no secret that I own a survival beef company and therefore it behooves me to talk about this stuff, but it’s also true that I’d be talking about it even I didn’t own a company that’s fighting the globalists. I talk about the dangers of the Covid jabs and I don’t have any financial interest in the pharmaceutical industry. The attacks on our food supply are truly existential threats to Americans which is why I…
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