Wellesley High School in Wellesley, Massachusetts, has decided to cancel ‘USA Day’ because the people in charge fear that it would be too politicized.
Do you ever wonder why so many young people in America hate our country? This might have something to do with it. Why is ‘USA Day’ controversial?
Here’s the best part, it was the kids who suggested it when asked, but the people who run the school shut them down.
FOX 25 News in Boston reports:
Wellesley high cancels ‘USA Day’, calls theme ‘politicized’
In a letter to parents and students, Wellesley High School said they canceled Friday’s “USA” theme as a part of spirit week to avoid controversy and politicization.
Spirit Week at Wellesley High is meant to unify the school ahead of their Thanksgiving football game. Students dress up and match each day’s theme.
Some themes this week included Throwback Thursday and Wild West Wednesday.
Olivia Spagnuolo is a member of the school’s Student Unification Program. Each year, the group comes up with daily themes. Their ‘USA Day’ theme was quickly shut down.
“The administration was not going to let this happen,” said Spagnuolo. “It wasn’t a topic…
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