“At the risk of giving Vance any credit here,” The Atlantic’s Derek Thompson writes, “I must admit that progressives do have a family problem.”
It’s not so much, “family values” that the Democrats are out of touch with. They are eschewing the whole idea of “family” and going without it.
J.D. Vance has been uttering inconvenient truths about the left’s “family problem” for years. They can complain all they want, but the statistics tell the story.
Perhaps they hate being reminded of their choice not to procreate. After all, the urge to be a father or mother is deeply embedded in human DNA. It’s not political; it’s biological. And despite protestations from progressives who claim themselves to be perfectly happy without children, deep inside, their bodies are telling them something totally different.
The desire to procreate is powerful in humans and is a big reason there are eight billion of us on planet Earth. Denying our biology used to be considered sinful. Now, it’s a “choice.” That’s why saying the Democrats are led by “childless cat ladies” strikes too close to the bone for many progressives who resent being reminded how other people can find happiness with…
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