Discern Report is the fastest growing America First news aggregator in the nation.
Modern day corporate journalism is an exercise in perpetual manipulation. They pretend to deliver the news while doing everything they can to promote the agenda du jour. That’s not shocking, but every now and then they stretch the limits of propaganda and gaslighting that exposes their emotional connection to their narratives.
Fox News is arguably the biggest bad guy in American media. Unlike competitors like CNN and MSNBC, Fox News pretends to be right-leaning as they work on behalf of the UniParty Swamp. They’re the needle that taps the veins of conservatives who still watch them despite their clear allegiances. That makes Fox News more dangerous than their competitors who are blatantly leftist.
The top story they were promoting on their website most of Friday morning would be laughable if it didn’t represent a harbinger of their future intentions. On the homepage, it read, “Christian leader’s endorsement…
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