In a thirty-seven-page-long filing, the legal team defending former President Donald J. Trump eviscerated the meager defense of Judge Tanya Chutkan’s gag order attempted by Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team of prosecutors.
In the brutally worded legal brief, the Trump team said the argument presented “fails at every step,” violating “a long list of the First Amendment’s most basic doctrines,” and would “flunk first-grade math.”
The Trump legal team cited thirty-three different cases with precedents dating back as far as 1959.
Beginning the systematic takedown of the patently unconstitutional order Trump’s attorneys wrote:
“The Gag Order installs a single federal judge as a barrier between the leading candidate for President, President Donald J. Trump, and every American across the country. The district court had no business inserting itself into the Presidential election, just weeks before the Iowa caucuses. The First Amendment does not permit the district court to micromanage President Trump’s core political speech, nor to dictate what speech is sufficiently “general” and what speech is too “targeted” for the court’s liking.”
Read the full article here