Joy Behar is at it again, saying that you can’t vote for Trump and love Jesus. Can we? To answer this, I’m re-publishing this article from 2020:
Not Following a Man—Shaping a Movement
Like many, I’m perplexed by the divide in the Christian community over President Trump—but I’m not surprised. The media is fueling lies, and the world is listening.
Some say, “How can you follow Jesus and Donald Trump?” We are not following a man; we are shaping a movement. A better question is: What direction is the country heading? If a leader lacks Christian character but is pointing the nation back to God, is that a bad thing? If they are minimizing murdering babies and maximizing godly values, is that a bad thing? If they are being a terror to terrorists and making America secure, is that a bad thing? If they are honoring hard work and minimizing free handouts, is that a bad thing?
God doesn’t judge a nation based on the character of one man; He judges it based on the spiritual health of its people. Never forget that.
Safety First
I regularly say that we Christians love refugees and immigrants and are eager to help with food, lodging, and…
Read the full article here