Since President Biden has been failing this country in every way, we see a lot of memes pointing out that the mean tweets of President Trump were a lot better than Biden’s failures. Biden wears a mask of kindness and competence, but is anything but. Trump wears the mask of a coarse and nasty man, but his actions as president demonstrated how committed he was to bettering the people of this country.
How people really act is always more important than the mask they wear when they think people are watching them. Nowhere are we seeing that more clearly than with the recent demonstrations, as well as the tragedy of the death of Paul Kessler and the different reactions it has created.
On Thursday, Loay Alnaji was arrested, charged with manslaughter, and held on $1 million bail. The police have been doing an incredible job not only in their investigation, but at ignoring public pressure to charge Alnaji before they had a strong case. They are still looking for video of the actual altercation, but feel confident enough about the case that it is being pursued with the aistrict attorney. On Friday, there will be a press conference at 10:30 a.m. PST where…
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