The Ohio House is expected to pass legislation this year barring in-state enforcement of federal firearm and ammunition laws.
The legislation, House Bill 51, is titled the Second Amendment Preservation Act.
Among other things, the Act implements a “civil penalty” in an instance where:
The state or any political subdivision of the state knowingly employs an individual who is acting as or previously acted as an official, agent, employee, or deputy of the government of the United States, or otherwise acting under the color of federal law within the borders of this state, and who knowingly…enforces, attempts to enforce, or participates in any way in the enforcement or implementation of any federal acts, laws, executive orders, rules, regulations, statutes, or ordinances regarding firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition. reported that House Speaker Jason Stephens (R) is confident of the bill’s passage in the House, which would send it to the state Senate for debate and a possible vote.
The outlet described the Second Amendment Preservation Act as a reflection of Ohio “conservatives’ resistance to and distrust of federal gun-control laws.”
Read the full article here