What are the legal, moral, and societal repercussions for free speech? For many people, particularly in conservative circles, the answer to that question has traditionally been rather easy. Free speech in America is absolute. As long as you aren’t threatening physical violence against anyone, you should be able to make your views known, even if they are abhorrent to many others. But it’s equally true that your speech is only protected from repercussions against you by the government. Your fellow citizens not only have the right to debate you but to take non-violent actions against you in response to your speech. Liberals were the first to master this new art form, introducing us to cancel culture and what has become known as doxxing. Conservatives have been playing catch-up in this sport, with Libs of TikTok being one of the prime examples.
The war in Gaza has brought a fresh focus to this debate. The massive anti-Israel protests we’ve seen in cities, on college campuses, and even inside the halls of government have horrified many. It is now standard for these activists to show up wearing face masks or a keffiyeh, concealing their identity. Some of them are already…
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