There’s a lot that we have yet to learn about what happens inside the human body when it is injected with foreign messenger RNA (mRNA) of the kind used in the COVID-19 shots, experimental as they are.
Which leaves us with many more questions than answers.
Like, for instance, why do masked Branch COVIDian all have that glassy, fanatical dead-eye look in their post-injection selfies on social media?
i forgot i took a cute vaccine selfie so it never got posted, get vaxxed where your mask 🖤
— 🌿TQ🗡 (@WitchyTQ) November 14, 2023
The eyes, chico, they never lie.
Frankly, it’s probably a multitude of factors that go into these disturbing expressions. For one thing, they’re overwhelmingly liberal, which is a leading indicator of mental illness on its own.
But research indicates it might be the shots themselves that play a role.
Via Elsevier (emphasis added):
The aim of the study is to investigate whether there is a causal relationship between the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine and the onset of psychotic symptoms in patients without a previous mental health…
Read the full article here