SAILORS have taken up blasting thrash metal music out at sea in a new effort to ward off deadly orca attacks.
For years, seafarers have had their boats ambushed by the apex predators but some are now joining forces to crank their ongoing battle with the mammals up a notch.

Florian Rutsch, a German sailor who often sails off the coast of the Iberian Peninsula, told The New York Times that he’s been desperately searching for a way to deter the killer whales.
After hours of scouring sailors’ forums on the internet, he thought he hit a jackpot.
Rutsch read that blaring heavy thrash metal music from underwater speakers may be the trick to scaring off the killer creatures and had to give it a go.
In recent years orcas have started to frequently target boats in the vicinity of the Strait of Gibraltar and other areas surrounding the Iberian Peninsula.
Experts aren’t entirely sure why the apex predators have started attacking in these regions but some marine biologists believe a notorious orca dubbed White…
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