She writes for the NYT Opinion section as a contributor. She works for Slate. She helped found Gawker and ran the New York Observer. Her bio reads like somebody who is expected to know a thing or two because her job is to explain things:
ELIZABETH SPIERS is a digital media strategist and entrepreneur who was the cofounder of Gawker and later, Breaking Media. She consults to media companies, digital startups, and progressive organizations. She is currently a contributing writer to the opinion section of The New York Times, a co-host of the Slate Money podcast with Felix Salmon and Emily Peck, which covers finance news of the week, a co-author of Slate’s Paydirt column, and she teaches a class on innovation in media in the Studio 20 program led by Jay Rosen in the Graduate School of Journalism at NYU.
She was formerly the editor in chief of The New York Observer and editorial director of Observer Media Group, where she oversaw the flagship newspaper and its digital analogs, and a variety of print and digital trade and lifestyle publications.
As a journalist, she has been a columnist at Fast Company and Fortune and contributed to a variety of publications, including The…
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