Have you voted in Townhall’s straw poll yet? I have a couple of times, and I’ve picked Ron DeSantis as my preferred candidate. Don’t get me wrong, though … if he’s the nominee — and it looks like he’s going to be — I’ll vote for him a third time. I think he’s carrying a lot of baggage and tends to shoot himself in the foot a lot, but like a lot of other people, the more I see him prosecuted, the more I like the idea of him back in the Oval Office.
I wrote a couple of days ago over the media getting the vapors over Trump calling his political opponents “vermin.” It felt pretty good to see the media melting down again over nothing — the Washington Post published a piece about his rhetoric mirroring that of Hitler. I’m not excited to cover four years of the media calling Trump a white supremacist and a fascist, but I think the world would benefit from some mean tweets about now.
The Hill reports that a President Trump would investigate “every Marxist prosecutor in America,” which I’m fully behind.
Former President Trump signals he’s out for revenge in second term.
He told supporters that he would direct the Justice Department to investigate “every Marxist prosecutor in…
Read the full article here